A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised the issue of ”Sheesh Mahal”, Union Home Minister Amit Shah charged Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Convener Arvind Kejriwal with building a palatial home when he was the chief minister by using Delhiiites’ money and said the latter needs to give an account to the people of the national capital.
“Some children came to meet me at my home. I asked them what Arvind Kejriwal had done for Delhi. One of the children said that he built a big Sheesh Mahal for himself. When he (Arvind Kejriwal) came into politics, he used to say that he would not take a government car or a government bungalow; today, he built a Sheesh Mahal using Delhiites’ money. Kejriwal ji, you will have to give an account to the people of Delhi,” Mr Shah while addressing the inauguration program of the new working women’s hostel block ‘Sushma Bhawan’.
“When he (Mr Kejiriwal) came into politics, he used to say that he will not take a government car or a government bungalow. Today he built a glass palace for himself in 50 thousand yards of land worth Rs. 45 crores of Delhiites. Kejriwal ji, you will have to answer to the people of Delhi,” he added.
The home minister also recalled the service rendered to the nation by Mrs Sushma Swaraj, former External affairs Minister and Chief Minister of Delhi.
“Sushma ji will always be remembered as one of the great leaders of the party. In India’s political history, she is one of the leaders who was a minister and that too in important portfolios, during NDA 1 and NDA 2, but she will not be remembered as a mere minister but as the leader of the opposition. It was Sushma ji who exposed Congress’ corruption in the parliament… I expect that all the leaders of the opposition should study her work and try to follow what she did,” Mr Shah said.